Every picture is a memory. Every time we press the shutter on the camera we are freezing a moment of history so we can preserve it forever. It sounds monumentous doesn't it, but it's not: Facebook will certainly tell you otherwise. I log on each day to see the myriad of photos that my so-called 'friends' vomit onto my homepage. Not only do people upload a sequence of the same picture - I have two of them so why not use them - but the other people in the picture will also post their versions of it. The result? Monster albums clogging up the internet providing the CIA with plenty of material should anyone need blackmailing in the future...

It is an age-old question, though. How do we make our holiday photos interesting to the general public? How do we step away from the necessity to have 'been there' to really appreciate someone else's pictures? And, while we're at it, how can we remove this insane fashion for de-tagging and portraying this hideously false image on Facebook? There is no hard and fast solution - no tried and tested method to solve this, but I think I may have hit upon a compromise.

May I invite you to read on...

Monday, 9 April 2012

We Are Family!

Currently I've jumped in Padova, Gardaland, Trento, Venice, Bologna, Milan, Manchester, Verona, SwitzerlandLake Maggiore, Florence, Rome, St Andrews, at a boiled meat festival, and at a rice festival, to name but several...

Since I started jumping regularly (in 2008) it's been quite a whistle-stop tour, and that doesn't count all the times I visited places and just didn't get round to jumping. I've been a busy bee. Unfortunately, the life of a busy bee can sometimes be a little neglectful of the people who aren't on the same road as you. In fact it is extremely neglectful of the people that are equally as busy but are instead following their sat nav in a completely different direction - only rarely do your paths cross.

This is the situation with my cousin. We love spending time together, but we don't get to do it very often because we're both flying round the world and living hectic lives without trying to organise cross-country (as in nation and not the Cotswolds) meet-ups.

When, back in the summer of 2010, I returned home for a wedding, we took full advantage of being in the same place at the same time and went for a day out at the beach. It was great fun - we had loads to catch up on and for once the English sunshine rivalled the Italian variety I'd gotten used to (well nearly...).

In order to mark the day in a more special way, I wanted her to take a jumping photo for me.

This took some time.

But we got there in the end.

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!
Formby, England, 2010

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